Use These 3 Social Listening Strategies in Your Digital Marketing Campaign

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Businesses can never ignore the importance of research to the bottom line. To stay competitive, they will need strategies that use data for making the best possible business decisions. In the context of digital marketing, social listening is one such research activity that enables you to improve your social messaging based on observable audience interactions and behaviors.

To begin with, social listening is crucial in that it fills you in on the specific preferences of each segment of your audience. Evidently, it enables you to optimize your digital marketing campaign to resonate better with these segments. As a result, you will be able to craft precise messaging for your campaign.

That said, social listening that’s properly executed can help you fine-tune your messaging and discover insights that are valuable to improving your conversions and growing your business.


Let’s take a look at the social listening strategies you should be using to drive your digital marketing campaign.


The business landscape is in a state of flux. New players in your market are strengthening competition. As if that’s not enough, audience preferences are also constantly changing as disruptive innovations emerge.

To stay relevant and visible within a highly volatile business landscape, it’s important to look for trends you can base your message on.

For this, you can simply follow influencers across all social media platforms and monitor their posts. What are they currently talking about? Is it the same topic all throughout? If yes, then you will need to study the topic more closely and see how you can align it with your digital marketing strategy.

Influencers can tell you a lot about the important conversations of the day. However, they don’t exactly tell you how these conversations are affecting your audience. You will have to go in-depth for that.

If your goal in social listening is to relate your product or service to potential customers, you will need to use content curation and social listening tools like the following:

  • Buzzsumo
  • Sprout Social
  • EpicBeat
  • Social Animal
  • Scoop.It

These tools will help you find articles and blog posts that get a lot of engagements. You will be able to generate ideas for new content based on what’s popular or trending.

You can search for relevant and specific keywords about your business. For this, use specific phrases and find content pieces that get a lot of shares, likes, comments, and retweets. After listing down possible ideas, you can sit down with your digital marketing team and brainstorm for a content strategy based on the results of your social listening efforts.

For example, if you are running a law firm, the keyword “California attorney” is too broad. You should be able to include the type of services your law practice offers. If you specialized in personal injury cases, you can search for content using the phrase “California personal injury lawyer.” As a result, you get a good list of possible content that’s specific to this niche.

Your audience is more or less vocal about the products or services they buy. Apparently, the one good thing about social media is that it gives a platform for praise or criticism.

These reactions may come in the form of a review or a Facebook comment. At any rate, your digital marketing team should look at every interaction as an opportunity to refine your campaign.

More than just marketing your product, these types of engagements are also a form of business intelligence. One thing’s for sure, they can help you improve your product or service and uncover potential areas of expansion.


Want to learn more about crucial tricks and treats to raise the efficiency of your digital marketing campaign?


Contact us today and see how we can help you make the most out of your brand’s social media presence.

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